Systemair signs an Exclusive Licensing Agreement for an Innovative Type of Tunnel Jet Ventilation System with Mosen Ltd.
December 12, 2010
Systemair’s specialist subsidiary for fans and ventilation technology based in Windischbuch, Germany has signed an exclusive licensing agreement on 10th November 2010 for the production and marketing of a new type of tunnel ventilation system. This innovation was developed by Dr Fathi Tarada, managing director of Mosen Ltd, in order to achieve the objectives of reducing the space requirements for fans, to increase energy efficiency and to reduce the number of required fans in tunnels.
These objectives have been achieved through the development of the MoJet®, for which United Kingdom and international PCT (Patent Cooperation Treat) patent applications have already been filed. This innovation permits the aerodynamic thrust to be significantly enhanced, while simultaneously reducing power requirements. “It is possible to increase the thrust by up to 20%, and depending upon the installation, the efficiency can be improved by up to 40%”, argued Dr Fathi Tarada, managing director of Mosen Ltd. A particular advantage is the reduced installation height, which can be reduced by up to 15% – which minimises place requirements while avoiding encroachment into the traffic space. This can be achieved with a smaller diameter and reduced fan weight of up to 20% than conventional jetfans, while still delivering the same thrust. The innovation allows the fans to be installed closer to the tunnel walls and soffit, and permits lower installation and cabling costs (through reduced longitudinal distances between fans).
“This licence agreement represents a further step for Systemair into the future, since it will enable us to win additional market share in the area of tunnel ventilation and to differentiate its products from those offered by the competition”, emphasised Mr Kurt Maurer, managing director of Systemair GmbH after the signing of the agreement.
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