Proposed Revisions to Jet Fan Testing Standard to be Presented at Fan2022
October 4, 2021
Dr Fathi Tarada will make a presentation at the Fan2022 conference in Senlis, France in April 2022 on proposed updates to the jet fan testing standard EN ISO 13350. Working group 13 of ISO-TC 117 has been working on two updates to that standard, both related to situations where such fans are installed close to solid surfaces such as tunnel soffits and walls. The first update aims to provide guidance on testing jet fans where the inlet silencer is located close to one or more surface, such that choking of the inlet flow (and thereby a reduction in jet fan thrust) can be expected. The second update relates to the measurement of the vertical component and the total thrust for jet fans with deflection devices such as nozzles, deflection vanes and slanted silencers intended to overcome the Coanda effect. Dr Tarada will explain the proposed changes, and invite comments from the audience on them.
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