The assessment and control of industrial fire risks is a matter of great importance to operating companies and the local communities they reside in, and in case of a major disaster, may be of significance to the whole nation. A number of statutes, best practice guidance and design standards exist to manage industrial fire risks down to an acceptable level. The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 and The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 are two of the many statutory instruments that are relevant for industrial fire risk management.
We have been involved in assessment and design advice for major industrial fire hazards, including the provision of expert witness advice to the Buncefield investigation with respect to the failure of the secondary and tertiary containment systems in the oil storage facility. Our qualitative and quantitative risk assessments have been applied to select appropriate fire protection systems for a range of industrial fire hazards, including power generation and waste storage sites.
Please contact us to discuss your industrial fire safety requirements.

Mosen Fire Safety Engineering
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