Tunnel ventilation
Why Ventilate Tunnels?
Tunnel ventilation is critical for a variety of reasons. Typically, ventilation ensures an adequate air quality, controls the spread of smoke in case of fire, and reduces air temperatures to acceptable limits. The function of the ventilation relates to the type of tunnel in question. Vehicular tunnels (road, rail and metro) generally require high air quality during normal operation and smoke control in case of fire. Cable tunnels require cooling, smoke control and a certain amount of air exchange. Mine tunnels and station tunnels also require adequate ventilation for physiological, cooling and smoke control requirements.
Types of Tunnel Ventilation Systems
A number of alternative tunnel ventilation systems are available, including transverse, semi-transverse and longitudinal. For short tunnels that are 3 km or less in length, longitudinal ventilation systems are generally preferred due to their modest construction cost. Such longitudinal ventilation systems can be provided using jetfans, Saccardo nozzles or using a push-pull arrangement with shafts. Depending on fire risk mitigation and the maintenance of adequate air quality, longitudinal ventilation systems can be installed in much longer tunnels. For example the proposed 18 km Fehmarnbelt Tunnel connecting Germany to Denmark will be longitudinally ventilated.
What Mosen Can Provide
Mosen has extensive experience in all types of tunnel ventilation systems, for both vehicular and non-vehicular tunnels. We have been involved in the design and review of well over 100 tunnel ventilation systems worldwide, and have the full range of capabilities to undertake the full range of required design and commissioning activities.
Tunnel Ventilation Software
To download some useful software to estimate the required ventilation capacity for smoke ventilation, please click on this link.
To download some useful software to estimate the critical velocity for smoke control, please click on this link.
Measurement of Road Tunnel Air Quality - EN 50545-2
Tunnel Fire Ventilation Calculations
Tunnel Ventilation Control
Safety of Innovative Vehicles in Tunnels
Is Tunnel Ventilation Sustainable?
Feeling the Heat
Practical Aspects of Tunnel Damper Installations in False Ceilings
Tunnel Fire Heat Release Rates
Ventilation of Tunnels at High Altitudes
Smoking tunnels
Breath of Fresh Air
Tunnel Air Emissions
Mosen Tunnel Ventilation and Fire & Life Safety
Contact us today to discuss your requirements
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